This week has been very busy. A lot of work and parties. I start to be moody again since I am cooling down...I am not use to feel bored. Currently, I wait the final technical drawing of my double pulleys (the next generation). I will meet my main supplier this WE in Paris.
It is quite funny to meet a professional partner in reality and not only on the phone or by email. I will do my best to not only speack about pulleys and karabiners developments...
We made a huge party on saturday night. In between 50 to 60 persons were there. Our flat was crowded. For the first time, we decided to open three rooms in a row.
Massive space,isn'it?
The following day, we all faced a huge hang over. My mind blurred my ability to think properly. Marcos and I decided to challenge ourselves by a chess game. Afterward, it was not such a clever idea. The game was endless...at least 4 hours.
We finished like this:

I also received my new product a ski cap. Each piece is gonna be unique. It is made by a Lotti from her
eco-farm. Every single piece is 100% natural and that's why this ski cap is very ROOTS and get KARMA. I will not make any profit out of it since Karma doesn't mix well with profit.
I love it!